Linda Nagata: the blog at Hahví.net

Adventure Stories: Cold Magic

October 18th, 2010

Kate Elliott writes adventure stories. That’s what I’m in the business for, they’re what I most enjoy reading, and I’m happy to say I’ve enjoyed all ten volumes I’ve read by her since I first picked up King’s Dragon last year. No, wait–Cold Magic makes eleven.

I’m a lousy book reviewer so I’m not going to bother sketching the plot (and such summaries can easily be found elsewhere on the web). Just know that this book is a great read, with entertaining characters in a fascinating and detailed story world.

I have a couple measures of how involving a book is to read. One is obvious: how much sleep do I lose by reading much too late into the night? I had several late nights with Cold Magic.

The other, I suspect, is my own personal quirk. I insist on reading a story in the proper order. So when a fast-paced story starts to get really exciting and my eyes are tempted to leap ahead, I slap my hand down on the page so I can only see the next line, and then the next, and then the next. (Yes, I really do this.) I’m happy to say I was forced to this extreme several times in Cold Magic.

I do have one complaint though. Since I came in late, I’ve been able to consume entire Kate Elliott series at a time, but now I will have to wait for the next volume. Cruel fate!

Posted on: Monday, October 18th, 2010 at 9:17 am
Categories: Reading.

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