Linda Nagata: the blog at Hahví.net

Time to Start a New Project

April 11th, 2011

I’ve got two projects in process–one almost done–but I’m feeling the need to start something entirely new, so today I pulled out notes on a project that came to mind last December. It’s science fictional–though working on a strict definition of science fiction as involving scientific realities, it’s more a technological fantasy (I just made that term up).

I had originally intended to write the story as a screenplay, but my current hankering is to write another short novel, so that’s what I’m going to do. Screenplay later. Maybe.

The great thing about not being under contract is you get to do what you damn well please.

Today’s goal: Develop a more solid outline.

Update: Well, that was an interesting session. I wound up going off in a new direction. Complexity? Yes. Long term potential? Could be. Looking forward to exploring more of this story world!

Posted on: Monday, April 11th, 2011 at 4:58 pm
Categories: Writing.

2 Responses to “Time to Start a New Project”

  1. Glen Says:

    I can remember reading with pleasure decades ago; I seem to do better with modern English than with that found in the plays of Shakespeare. However, the number of plays in my favorite used bookstore is staggeringly dwarfed by the number of novels. I can only imagine that “readership” is the wrong audience for (screen)plays, and that you’d instead be writing for theatrical and cinematic industries.

    So your current hankering is probably right.

  2. Linda Says:

    I had a good time with it today, and have been mulling it since, so this looks like a good direction to go.