Linda Nagata: the blog at Hahví.net

Work-In-Progress Report

July 10th, 2016

After finally finishing a solid draft of the novel-in-progress last Saturday, I took two days off from writing, and then commenced revisions (fixes is how I think of it) on Tuesday.

It feels like I’ve been fixing things for a lot longer than six days! That said, I really, really like the way this book continues to come together. To be honest**, I didn’t have a clear idea of where this novel would lead when I started working on it, so it’s a relief to find that I like where I am.

Right now I have two ancillary files in which I’ve listed points I need to address, and I also have Word comments in the main manuscript that I need to take care of, so there’s a lot left to do before I begin a start-to-finish read-through. That said, I feel the manuscript is now completely comprehensible to an outside reader, and that means it’s time for me to start the quest for beta readers and expert consultants. This is always an awkward point for me because I don’t have a writing group to turn to. It makes me realize how much I still miss my early writing group. But I think I’ve had one or two offers from people to read the next one. I’ll have to dig into my email to figure that out.


** there is a meme on Twitter that goes “If you use the phrase ‘to be honest’ it means you’re lying the rest of the time. I say that’s bullshit. ‘To be honest’ is a colloquialism that means ‘While I suspect you would rather not hear this truth, I’m going to tell it to you anyway.’ Or, ‘While I’m uncomfortable telling you this, I will anyway…’

English is complicated. 🙂

Posted on: Sunday, July 10th, 2016 at 7:08 pm
Categories: Work-In-Progress Reports.

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