Linda Nagata: the blog at Hahví.net

Duty, Honor, Country

May 11th, 2011

Bob Mayer is a New York Times bestselling author who has “gone indie” with his latest novel Duty, Honor, Country, publishing it through his own company Who Dares Wins Publishing.

It’s a big novel, 175,000 words according to his website. I recently finished reading the Kindle version and found it fascinating.

Here’s the premise: “Who commanded the major battles of the Civil War? —— There were 60 important battles of the War. In 55 of them, graduates commanded on both sides.”

The story starts in 1840 at West Point, when Ulysses S. Grant was a student there. The story is loosely focused around Grant, but there are several other key characters whose lives we follow as the years pass. Both the Mexican War and the acquisition of California are involved, tying together a large piece of American history.

On the negative side, there were too many copy edit errors, especially in the first half of the book. But on the plus side, I looked forward to sitting down with the story every evening–and didn’t find it too long at all!

Posted on: Wednesday, May 11th, 2011 at 1:42 pm
Categories: Reading.

One Response to “Duty, Honor, Country”

  1. Bob Mayer Says:

    Glad you enjoyed the book. I’ll check on those errors– not sure what the problem is.