Linda Nagata: the blog at Hahví.net

Writing Goals for 2016:
The Assessment

December 23rd, 2016

Since 2011, I’ve been publishing a list of my writing goals for the year, and at the end of the year I take a look at that list and assess how I did at meeting those goals. So it’s time to assess 2016. What follows is a list of the goals I posted on January 1 2016, and how I did on each one:

1. FINISH the current novel-in-progress, where “finish” means it’s been revised and polished and is in my agent’s hands.

DONE. Done. Totally done.

2. START the next novel, where “start” means figure out the general idea behind it, and develop a rough outline with a list of characters. Bonus points for actually writing the opening.

This is actually DONE too. I’ve outlined a new novel and written the first 5,000 words. Circumstances being what they are, though, I will likely dump this novel… er, I mean, put it aside… and try to come up with something more traditional and possibly more marketable.

3. PUBLISH a second short story collection. This is going to be a round up of all my short fiction published since 2012.

DONE, with the caveat that it doesn’t include all my short fiction — I’ve held back the two Zeke Choy stories. Still, eight short stories! For more details on the new collection, click here.

4. Write a short story in THE RED story world.

DONE. This story was requested for an anthology that I really wanted to participate in, so that gave me the motivation to get it done.

5. Write at least one hard-SF short story unrelated to anything else I’ve done.

NOT done. Other than the story mentioned above, I didn’t even start any new short fiction this year. However, I did rediscover a story I wrote two years ago, but never sent out. It was better than I remembered, so I revised it and am now in the process of marketing it.

6. Write at least one novella set in an existing story world.

NOT done. This was an unmet goal from both 2015 and 2016, and it will now roll over into a 2017 goal.

Overall, 2016 was not a good year for my writing career. I’ll admit that my confidence has faded, along with the enthusiasm of a few years ago, and without that confidence and enthusiasm it’s been a lot harder for me to write. Still, I managed to do most of what I’d hoped to do. So I’ll give myself a pat on the back, and try to do better in 2017.

Did you have writing goals for 2016? How did you do?

Posted on: Friday, December 23rd, 2016 at 4:06 pm
Categories: Annual Writing Goals.

6 Responses to “Writing Goals for 2016:
The Assessment”

  1. Clyde Says:

    There is an ebb and flow. Hang tough, the enthusiasm will return.
    My suggestion: screw the desire for “something more traditional and possibly more marketable” and write what you like. (Isn’t that what you did with The Red?)

  2. Patricia Burroughs aka Pooks Says:

    That’s an inspiring list. I’m looking at next year, trying to set some goals. Thanks for sharing yours.

  3. Linda Says:

    Thanks Clyde. It’s true that I’ve always written what I liked without much regard to the market. Same with the new novel. That one was written almost in defiance of the market. But at some point I do need to consider making some money — or getting a job. 😉

  4. Linda Says:

    Thanks, Pooks. I’ll be posting my list of 2017 goals on or around January 1. I’m still contemplating the best, most practical strategy as I have several things I’d like to accomplish. I hope your own list proves to be an inspiration for you.

  5. Eva Martinson Says:

    You accomplished a lot! Agree with Clyde.

  6. Linda Says:

    Thanks Eva!