Linda Nagata: the blog at Hahví.net


October 10th, 2009

I’ve embarked on a new programming project. The good thing about it is that it gives me something productive to do when the writing is not going well.

Of course, the bad thing about it is that it gives me something productive to do when the writing is not going well.

For me, it’s not always a good idea to have viable alternatives for my time. Sitting in front of the computer for four or five hours and producing nothing is incredibly frustrating, but if it’s ultimately followed by a break-through, I guess it was worth it. However if I have some other project to turn to, odds are I won’t stick with the story for very long if I’m not “in the flow.”

I wish I knew what makes the difference between those times when I am completely immersed in writing and all those other times when I am ready to go try something else for awhile. I wish I could manufacture the first state-of-mind, which would make me ever so much more efficient!

That’s all right. The specifics for the current section of The Wild are coming together day by day, and eventually they will all be set down and I’ll move on. I’ve been writing long enough to at least be confident of that.

Posted on: Saturday, October 10th, 2009 at 8:32 am
Categories: The Wild, Writing.

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