Linda Nagata: the blog at Hahví.net

Worldcon 76 – San Jose

July 20th, 2018

Yes, I will be there!

I don’t attend very many science fiction conventions but I will be attending Worldcon 76, which takes place next month in San Jose. I’ve never before been a finalist for the Hugo award, so I had to go, right? I don’t have my schedule yet, but I’m hoping to do a reading and a book signing.

I’m also going to have both old and new print books to sell at SFWA’s “Book Depot.” SFWA — short for Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America — is hosting a table in the Dealers Room where authors can sell books on consignment.

Here are the titles I’ll have for sale:

Memory (Tor hardcover) – 4 copies @ $12 each

Limit of Vision (Tor hardcover) – 3 copies @ $8 each

Skye Object 3270a (MIP/trade paperback) – 4 copies @ $11 each

Deception Well (MIP/trade paperback)– 1 copy @ $10

Vast (MIP/trade) – 1 copy @ $10

Light and Shadow (MIP/trade paperback) – 1 copy @ $10

The Dread Hammer (MIP/trade paperback) – 2 copies @ $12 each

Hepen the Watcher (MIP/trade paperback) – 2 copies @ $12 each

“MIP” stands for Mythic Island Press, my company imprint. These are print-on-demand editions, 5.5″x8.5″ in size.

If you’re attending the convention and you’re interested in any of these books, stop by SFWA’s Book Depot to purchase them and then track me down. I’ll be happy to sign them for you. And of course if you have other books of mine you’d like me to sign, I’ll be happy to do that too.

“Longing For Earth”

July 10th, 2018

Not all things are possible, even in the far future…

“Longing For Earth” is my newest short story. It’s out today, part of Infinity’s End, the final volume of the critically-acclaimed science fiction anthology series edited by Jonathan Strahan. It’s an honor to be included in the last edition of this long-running series!

Find the Infinity’s End print edition here.

You can find the Infinity’s End ebook edition at your favorite vendor:
Barnes & Noble

I hope you’ll check it out!

The Last Good Man – On Sale

July 2nd, 2018

Just a quick notice for those of you in the USA: Amazon has put the ebook of The Last Good Man on sale for only $2.99.

If you’re a regular reader of this blog you’ve probably already read it — but if you know anyone who hasn’t and who might enjoy, please spread the word!
Thank you!

Find it on Amazon.

Thank you!

July 1st, 2018

Some good news…

While I was traveling last weekend, I learned that my short story “The Martian Obelisk” won the Locus Award for best short story. I’m honored! Very honored.

The Locus awards are determined by readers voting for their favorite fiction of the year. So I want to thank all of you who felt “The Martian Obelisk” was worthy of your vote. I truly appreciate it!

The story is also a finalist for the Hugo award, so if you’re eligible to vote for that, I hope you’ll consider it.

If you haven’t read “The Martian Obelisk” yet, you can find it online at

And follow this link for a list of nominees and winners in all categories.

Recommended Listening: I Contain Multitudes

June 28th, 2018

I Contain Multitudes: The Microbes Within Us and a Grander View of Life by Ed Yong

I just got back from an eight-day vacation and I’m frantically trying to catch up, so instead of writing an actual blog post I’m just going to echo what I said on Twitter:

Tweet #1:
This is not a good day to talk about great books, but if I don’t mention it now I’ll forget. So…

Tweet #2:
I just finished the audiobook of I Contain Multitudes by Ed Yong. It’s about microbes: their ubiquity, their variety, their chemistry, and their interactions with the web of life that is Earth, including all of us.

(Hat tip to Vonda N. McIntyre for bringing this title to my attention.)

Tweet #3:
Highly recommended, and lots of ideas for you near-future SF writers. The world we live in is fascinating! Respect it, cherish it, preserve it.

Tweet #4:
Also, if you haven’t already, read KSR’s Aurora which has much to do with microbes and their contributions to ecosystems.

Recommended Listening: After On

June 11th, 2018

After On: A Novel of Silicon Valley by Rob Reid (audiobook)

OMG, I loved this audiobook!

After On was published last August and I have to confess that I didn’t hear anything about it when it came out and I was not familiar with its author Rob Reid. I decided to check it out because it kept appearing in the “also bought” recommendation list at Amazon, and because it was near-future and sounded like it was going to engage in themes similar to my own work — you know, near-future manipulative AI, that sort of thing.

I listened to the sample and I was still sort of “Hmmm…” But if I didn’t like it, I could always return it, so what-Ev-er!

And yes, so to-tally worth it. (I’m trying to capture the voice of one of the characters here.)

This is a smart, funny, ingenious, and informative novel. As the title suggests, it’s set in Silicon Valley and follows several entrepreneurial (OMG, I spelled that word right on the first try!) characters as they try to stay afloat in their highly competitive world while striving to come up with the NEXT BIG THING.

There is lot of informative discussion in this novel. EULAs and privacy and Pascal’s Wager, venture capital, how to make a fortune while your company fails, the implications of “Super AI”, Twitter lynch mobs, fiction as thought experiments that might be applied to life, Fermi’s paradox, people-people, and people who aren’t so good with people, just for a few examples.

It’s possible some of this might be a little tedious to read, I don’t know. I found it all fascinating to listen to.

The audiobook is read by a large and very talented cast. They put a lot of effort into their performance, and I found the story fun and fascinating.

Highly recommended.

Progress Report

June 10th, 2018

Yes, I have made some progress since my last progress report. I’ll admit though, it’s been slow going. Here’s a tweet from last week that captures my feelings nicely:

As of today, I’m around 62,000 words into the initial draft of book 2 in a duology of novels. I’m hoping that this means I’m around 2/3 done with it. Over the past few weeks, a lot of time has gone into visualizing the next section, trying to figure out how to present it while giving all the characters their proper time on the page as well as meaningful roles within the plot.

An interesting breakthrough came a few nights ago, I woke up at 1am and lay awake for a while thinking about things. I ended up jotting down a few new approaches that have proved to be quite helpful. Implementing these ideas meant dropping back in the manuscript and adding new scenes and sections. I’m still working on that, but I hope to be moving into new territory again in another day or two. And then maybe a sprint to the end? I hope so!

Some writers love first drafts and hate revising. Other writers, like me, are much happier once we have a solid draft down. I’m looking forward to the revision stage.

Announcement: The Mythic Island Press E-bookstore is Closed

June 2nd, 2018

Don’t worry! I am still writing and still publishing!

Did you know I had my own e-bookstore? (Probably not!)

I launched my store back in January of 2013. Here’s a post on it, if you’re interested in the software or the process. I launched it to ensure my complete independence and because, at the time, some of my readers in “non-Amazon” countries had to pay a premium to pick up my books.

The store was a fine experiment, and it had a good long run, but in the rapidly changing world of indie publishing, it ultimately became more of a burden than an asset. So I decided to close shop.

Be assured that my books are still available through major vendors.
You can find them at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and iBooks — all of which are a lot more convenient to use. You can also find several of my titles at Book View Café. The only thing that’s changed is that you can no longer buy them from my personal store.

Thank you to everyone who visited my store or used it to purchase books! And please, keep reading!

Find my ebooks at these vendors:

Recommended Reading: Ka

May 24th, 2018

Ka: Dar Oakley in the Ruin of Ymr by John Crowley

There seems to have been a good deal of publicity around this novel when it came out last October, but I missed all of it and didn’t take notice of Ka until I heard Jonathan Strahan praising it. The novel is published by Saga Press, which charges a very reasonable $7.99 for the ebook, so I picked it up, read it immediately, and I’m now perplexed that Ka did not appear on either the Hugo or Nebula ballots. This is a wonderful novel.

Ka is a story told from the point of view of a crow, whose name is “Dar Oakley” and who, by strange circumstance, comes to live over a span of time encompassing two to three thousand years. The stories he takes part in and the people he comes to know are endlessly fascinating.

Not since childhood have I been interested in stories told from an animal’s point of view, but this one was so highly praised I had to look into it, and I was hooked from the first page.

From a personal perspective — that of a writer forever struggling to comprehend the marketplace — Ka astonishes me for the sheer bravery required of its author to even conceptualize a novel like this — a novel about a crow! — and the confidence to believe, during the long hard writing process, that there would be a market for it. I hope there’s a market for it! I hope it’s doing well. And I’m very glad there are still great writers willing to take chances of this kind.

For more about the novel, see Gary K. Wolfe’s review at Locus.

Find it at Amazon here.

I usually provide a universal link to other vendors, but the link site wasn’t working. Sorry!

The Myths and Legends Fantasy Storybundle

May 16th, 2018

I don’t write only science fiction. I’ve also written two fantasy novels. The first of the pair, The Dread Hammer, is now part of

The Myths and Legends Fantasy Storybundle

Curated by Kevin J. Anderson, it’s available starting today!

Directly from Kevin, here’s a description of the Storybundle:

Dragons! Swords! Magic and wizards! I’ve curated a new storybundle that’s packed with all the legendary wonder you’ve come to expect from your favorite fantasy novels.

These thirteen books cover a range of classic fantasy types, from epic quests, to modern retellings of classic myths, to humorous encounters with Little Folk, to lit-RPG adventures, to sea monsters, ancient curses, and saving the world. These indie-published authors include Cat Rambo, Kevin J. Anderson, Rebecca Moesta, Jody Lynn Nye, M.L. Buchman, J.T. Evans, Christopher Katava, Stefon Mears, Alex Singer, Meyari McFarland, J.D. Brink, and Linda Nagata, and there’s also the Undercurrents anthology edited by Lisa Mangum, stories of “what lies beneath” (proceeds from this anthology benefit the Don Hodge Memorial Scholarship Fund for the Superstars Writing Seminar).

If you’re not familiar with how Storybundle works, you name your own price and get the whole batch instantly delivered to your e-reader. For as little as $5 you get the base bundle of five novels, or for $15 or more you will receive all 13 books, enough to keep your reading life filled with magic for a long time.

As always with storybundle, a portion of the proceeds goes directly to benefit a charity, in this case the Challenger Learning Centers for Space Science Education. When you pick up a copy of the Myths and Legends storybundle, you’ll receive a lot of great books for around a dollar apiece, you’ll support indie authors, and contribute to a very worthwhile cause. Everybody wins!

But this bundle will be available for only a limited time. After May 30, it goes away.

Follow this link to check out all the details.