Linda Nagata: the blog at Hahví.net

Skye-Object 3270a Now in Kindle Unlimited

April 26th, 2020

Kindle Unlimited is a subscription service offered by Amazon, in which readers pay a set fee each month to read as many “Kindle Unlimited” ebooks as they want. Last fall I enrolled two of my fantasy novels in the program. The results haven’t been spectacular, but there has been an uptick in interest.

A few days ago, I enrolled another novel, Skye-Object 3270a. This one is a far-future adventure written for a middle-grade/young-adult audience. It’s set in the Deception Well story world, but is otherwise unrelated to that book.

Here’s an excerpt of a review by Marianne Dyson at the National Space Society’s website:

Author Linda Nagata puts her degree in zoology, work experience with computers, and life experience growing up in exotic Hawaii to imaginative use throughout the story, creating fascinating new creatures on the planet and in space that are a mix of biology and technology in unique environments. The teens, fearful that adults will not listen to them or act quickly enough to save Skye, behave in a very believable way—taking risks for reasons that will make sense to most any young adult today.

The story has plenty of cool world-building, new tech, adventure, alien creature encounters, and a touch of romance (limited to kissing) that are sure to appeal to young readers, both girls and boys. Adult space enthusiasts may also appreciate this unique view of what family life may be like in a future society where people have faced extinction and yet live hundreds of years.

Skye-Object 3270a is ideal for advanced readers on the younger end of the teen spectrum. Follow this link to find it on Amazon. I hope you’ll check it out! It’s also available in a print edition.


† FTC disclosure: On this website, links to Amazon are generally affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. In 2019 I’ve earned around $10 every three months. Whoo hoo! We are not talking big money here. 😉

Checking In

April 19th, 2020

I haven’t been posting much here or on Twitter, in part because things at our home are much the same from day to day, so there’s not a lot to report.

After finishing the first draft of the current novel, I took a little over a week off. Before I went back to work on it, I set up a new daily schedule. I still get up around 5:30 or 6am, as I’ve done for many years. After giving the dog a couple of minutes outside, I get to work on the novel, and continue working on it — in several sessions with breaks between — until the early afternoon. This is where my schedule has changed.

Instead of going back to the novel, I try to shift to a publishing chore — contracting for a new book cover, setting up promotion for a sale, prepping my newsletter, writing a blog post(!), or reading an advance copy of someone’s new novel…

(Wait! Reading is not a chore.)

(Oh — and a belated THANK YOU to everyone who helped spread the word about the recent ebook sale. It’s truly appreciated.)

But back to the schedule…

In the late afternoon, I try to exercise or do yard work. Years ago my daughter bought me the soundtrack from the Broadway play Hamilton — which I never listened to…until now! It’s perfect for jogging on the treadmill† because I focus on understanding the lyrics instead of on how much farther I still have to run. It has also inspired me to start listening to the audiobook edition of Ron Chernow’s biography, Alexander Hamilton, which was supposedly an inspiration for the play.

Once a week, Ron and I will go to the post office to check the mail. Every two weeks, we go all the way into town for a supply run. Masks are now mandatory. Each time we’ve gone to town, I’ve been surprised at how many people are out and about, given the lockdown. The parking lots at Lowes and Home Depot are packed! I guess people have decided they might as well do home improvement projects while they’re at home. It’s also true that landscape and construction companies are considered “essential businesses” here and are still allowed to work.

Hawaii still has a comparatively low rate of COVID-19 infection. The governor essentially closed the border by mandating a 14-day quarantine for anyone arriving in the state, so the visitor industry is on hold. Unfortunately, here on Maui we had a large cluster of infections among hospital staff, which is very troubling.

Ron and I are incredibly lucky because we can stay home, and we’re comfortable here, with room to wander, the means to exercise, and a quiet neighborhood around us. I know almost everyone else out there is facing far greater challenges — and knowing that, it’s tempting to rage on politics — the incompetence, bullying, and malice of the current administration, their don’t-give-a-shit behavior, their determination to roll back environmental regulations, and to siphon off taxpayer money for their own benefit and that of their wealthy friends, and all the rest of it. But you hear about that all the time, don’t you? I know my Twitter feed has become a very dark place.

Here’s hoping we throw out the whole cohort of GOP bums in November.

In the meantime, I find myself a bit worried over all those dogs in America who are going to have separation anxiety when their beloved humans finally go back to work…

Please take care of yourself and take care of each other.


† I suspect this treadmill won’t last much longer, as the electronic dashboard has become intermittently non-responsive. Sigh.

Recommended Audiobook:
River of Darkness

March 29th, 2020

River of Darkness: Francisco Orellana’s Legendary Voyage of Death and Discovery Down the Amazon by Buddy Levy

I think I picked up this audiobook as part of a 2-for-1 credit sale at Audible. Audible has these sales every now and then, and even though I’ve accumulated a lot of credits and don’t really need the extra books, I find the sales irresistible. And they’ve led me to some fantastic listens I wouldn’t have discovered on my own — like this one.

River of Darkness is exactly what the subtitle says: it’s a detailed history of conquistador Francisco Orellana’s voyage from the headwaters of the Amazon river, to the sea, and from there to a Spanish colony. As I’ve mentioned before, I love adventure stories and tales of exploration. This one was made more poignant by having read Charles C. Mann’s 1491 and knowing that those civilizations described in the notes kept by Friar Gaspar de Carvajal would soon be gone. The pandemic we’re experiencing now, for all its ravages and the speed of its transmission, is nothing compared to the apocalypse that struck the new world in those days of early contact. But in the time of Orellana’s voyage, the civilizations of the Amazon were still strong and intact.

The story that Buddy Levy tells in River of Darkness goes well beyond a description of the river journey. It also follows the misadventures and eventual rebellion of Gonzalo Pizarro, the original captain of the mission, and it dips into both Spanish and colonial politics.

Though I found the opening chapter or two to be a bit slow, once the introductory material was past, the story was riveting.

By chance, just before I started listening to River of Darkness I read the opening chapters of a novel called What the Wind Brings, by Matthew Hughes. It’s set in the same era, in South America, and I look forward to returning to it as soon as time permits. I suspect it will make an interesting pairing with River of Darkness.

Finished A Rough Draft

March 20th, 2020

Hey, amid these crazy days, I forgot to mention here that I finished a rough first draft of the new novel. I actually finished on March 14, and mentioned it on Twitter, but I wanted to talk a little bit about what was different this time.

First, the draft took me just over two months from start to finish, which is remarkably fast for me. Granted, this is a much shorter novel than my usual. It’s about 63,000 words right now and I expect it to be under 80,000 when I’m done. This is good, because I wanted to try to write a shorter novel. (For comparison, The Red was around 118,000 words.) Also, the story is near future and set on Earth, so I didn’t have to do as much world building as in the Inverted Frontier novels. That let me write faster.

But the main factor that kept me writing at a steady pace was all the prep work I did in December and early January. I wanted to try an entirely new writing method this time around, so I picked up a copy of John Truby’s The Anatomy of Story: 22 Steps to Becoming a Master Storyteller and worked through all the exercises up to, but not including, the “scene weave.”

By this point, I knew a lot about the story. So instead of the “scene weave,” I put together an event outline, laying things out in rough chapters that included everything I could think of that might happen, including bits of dialog.

I write in Nisus Writer Pro, which lets me maintain a table of contents in the sidebar. Each section was titled with a super-short description of events which then appeared in the sidebar. This let me view the outline in summary form, while also being able to easily move from section to section.

Right now, this novel is written from a single point of view, but I found it helpful to also outline what was happening offscreen, especially with the antagonist, just to keep things clear in my head. I ended up numbering the sections I intended to write, using automatic numbers, while indicating the offscreen sections with an arrow, just to avoid confusion.

When I started writing the actual chapters, I devoted a week just to the opening, wanting to get that right because it sets the mood for the rest of the novel. After that, my goal was to write at least a thousand words a day — and because of the detailed outline, I mostly succeeded. I had a couple of days in the middle when I didn’t make my goal, and near the end things slowed down for a bit. But I re-outlined the final confrontation, and after that, I made swift progress.

There is a lot of revision to do. I intended to take a couple days off to catch up on other obligations before starting the next draft, but two days has turned into five and I still haven’t gone back to it. But I will soon. If not today, then tomorrow.


† FTC disclosure: On this website, links to Amazon are generally affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. In 2019 I earned around $10 every three months. Whoo hoo! We are not talking big money here. 😉

This New World

March 19th, 2020

My most recent newsletter went out last week with no mention of COVID-19. I suspected that at that point my readers were saturated with virus coverage and didn’t want to hear even more about it from me. But here we are, a week later, and life has changed a lot. Most of us have been asked to hunker down at home so as to avoid contracting or spreading infection. For how long? No one knows for sure but it’s unlikely life will return to “normal” anytime soon. It’s far more likely we’ll learn to live with a “new normal.”

It’s uncanny how much our current situation reflects the backstory of Sarah Pinsker’s Nebula-nominated novel A Song For a New Day. That story is a hopeful look at American society breaking out of disease-induced isolation. We, of course, are just learning to live with it.

For myself, the daily routine hasn’t changed much. You’ve probably seen the cartoons about introverts who always stay at home anyway… Both Ron and I have worked at home for years. The main change for us is that we’re not going out as often, and when we do, the hand sanitizer gets frequent use. (We have two little bottles left, acquired prior to the emergence of COVID-19.)

Here on Maui, we’ve had only a couple of confirmed cases of the virus. In Hawaii at large, infections are still low and all so far seem to be associated with recent travelers, or those in close contact with recent travelers. In other words, “no community transmission” — so far.

My respect goes out to all those parents who are suddenly finding themselves home with young children. Wishing you patience, strength, and courage!

And my gratitude goes to all those who don’t have the option of staying home: first responders, medical personnel, all those working in the supply chain, the brave clerks and stockers at Costco, Target, and all our local grocery stores — and anyone else whose service is essential to keeping the country (and the world) functioning through this black-swan event.

It’s staggering to think of all the people now out of work, many of whom likely have little savings and who may be losing their health insurance. Here in Hawaii, so many people are employed in the visitor industry — hotels, car rentals, restaurants, tours, entertainment. All that is now shut down, or soon will be.

We’re still at the beginning of this. For myself, it’s already weirdly surreal to see TV commercials made in the days “Before.” They show large happy gatherings — wedding parties, people in theaters, or at festivals, or out on the town, enjoying life with friends. Scenes of a lost existence, at least for now.

On the positive side, there are companies and governments around the world seeking both a vaccine and antiviral treatments for COVID-19. If we keep our collective heads and don’t panic, we’ll get past this. In the meantime, please take care of yourselves and of each other.


† FTC disclosure: On this website, links to Amazon are generally affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. In 2019 I earned around $10 every three months. Whoo hoo! We are not talking big money here. 😉

Gamechanger by LX Beckett

March 4th, 2020

In my last newsletter, I recommended LX Beckett’s novel Gamechanger, with the caveat that the publisher had chosen to price the ebook at $14.99.

Well, right now, the ebook edition of Gamechanger is on sale for just $2.99. Here’s an affiliate link to Amazon that will earn me a few pennies of you click it and then buy. The ebook is probably also on sale at Kobo, Apple, Barnes & Noble, etc., if those are your preferred vendors.

About the book:
Gamechanger is a complex romp of a novel that includes some of the most impressive near-ish future world-building I’ve seen. The story takes place in the “bounceback” era, a period of future history that follows the “setback” (basically the present day, as climate change leads to catastrophic environmental collapse), and the “clawback” era, when a new global system begins to stave off immediate extinction. The bounceback generation is dealing with things, and the world is much improved for their efforts. But then things happen…

I listened to Gamechanger as an audiobook, but while the narrator does an excellent job, there is just so much terminology and (I suspect) quirky typography, that I wish I’d read it instead.

I have no idea how long the sale will last. If you’re interested, you should check it out now.

Oh! And if you haven’t signed up yet for my newsletter, please do! I just need your name and email address in that form on the right -> ->
Be sure to look for a confirmation email!
Next issue goes out next week.

Checking In

February 15th, 2020

Okay…it’s been a while since I’ve posted here — but that’s because I’ve been busy writing.

In December and early January I focused on developing a detailed outline for my next novel — a near-future thriller. I started writing it on January 8, and spent the next week working on the opening chapter. Openings are always such a challenge, because so much needs to be accomplished and it all needs to be done in an interesting way.

Starting January 17, I resolved to try to add at least 1,000 words to the manuscript every day — and thanks to the outline, I’ve been able to meet that goal for all but one or two days along the way.

Usually I write in the morning, but today my schedule is reversed and I still owe my thousand words. So it’s back to work for me…

Recommended Audiobook: Becoming Superman

January 3rd, 2020

Becoming Superman: My Journey From Poverty to Hollywood by J. Michael Straczynski

When I was growing up, my parents let me read anything I wanted to — except comic books. I don’t recall any arguments over this restriction. I was taught that comics were for people who couldn’t read very well, and I was a very, very good reader, so what need did I have for a comic book? As a result, I was never into comics. Looking back, I find that ironic and even a little distressing, given the popularity of comics among fans of prose science fiction.

Anyway, that’s my excuse for why, when I picked up J. Michael Straczynski’s autobiography, Becoming Superman, I wasn’t familiar with his work in comics, and I somehow had never watched Babylon Five, and did anyone really expect me to remember who wrote the screenplay for Thor? Still, his name was familiar, and an intriguing comment on Twitter led me to check out the audio version of the book, which was published just last summer.

I found it riveting.

Becoming Superman feels like two books in one. The first part details Straczynski’s childhood. Actually, it goes beyond childhood, looking at the history of his family before he was born, as a means to set the stage for the story of the incredible physical and emotional abuse he endured growing up, at the hands of a father he described as “the most evil man I ever met.” Comics, and particularly Superman, were his comfort and salvation. Determined to be the opposite of everything his father stood for, Superman became his personal hero — an outsider who fought evil and always remained determined to do the right thing.

The second part of the book focuses primarily on the tumultuous development of Straczynski’s writing career, beginning in high school, and continuing through the present day. He’s an extremely prolific writer (*ahem* unlike some of us), and he’s also been driven to succeed in diverse writing fields, hardship be damned.

Honestly, the book is potentially dangerous for young writers. Most of us will say that the trope of the starving writer is bullshit. You don’t need to suffer for your art. But Straczynski has gone through a lot — he’s literally been a starving writer. He’s also had to burn bridges, starting over more than once. If you want an inside look at writing in Hollywood, do not miss this book.

Despite the hardships, Straczynski has achieved admirable success in every field he’s tried, from comics, to animation, to live-action television, and feature films. But all throughout his story he returns again and again to the lesson of humility, and to doing your best work, doing the right thing — and that makes this story wonderful.

Highly recommended.

Happy New Year, Everyone!

January 1st, 2020

Best wishes for 2020. May it be the year we elect a new president, one who respects the Constitution, civil rights, science, and intellect. And may it be the year in which the world comes together to begin the long offense against global warming.


Every year I make it a habit to post, on January 1, my writing goals for the coming year. The list keeps me on track throughout the year, and at year’s end, I get to look back and assess what I did with my time. I was far more ambitious when I first started listing my goals. In recent years, I’ve learned to keep the list short, and do-able.

Here goes:

I’m already outlining this one. It’s a near-future thriller. If it turns out the way I hope, I’ll send it to my agent and see what he thinks. If it doesn’t look like it’ll work for traditional publishing, I’ll publish it myself.

I’m nervous about this one. I’ve talked for years about writing a novella, but I’ve never done it. I’m going to try again though, because I want to publish something every year — and since I’m going to send the novel in #1 to my agent, that project likely won’t see publication until 2021 or beyond. So I need this novella. It will almost certainly take place in one of my existing story worlds.

And that’s it for my writing goals!

No. Hold on…

I should add one more, to keep the momentum going.


Okay, that’s it. Those are my plans. What do you have in mind?

Looking Back At My 2019 Writing Goals

December 30th, 2019

Every January I put up a blog post listing my writing goals for the coming year. At the end of the year, I check back to see how I did. That assessment is the subject of this post. Since 2018 turned out to be a disastrous year for meeting deadlines, I decided to go easy on myself in 2019, and as a result I met all my goals!

Here are the specifics, with the goals I set for myself in January in all-caps:

This, of course, was Edges, and it was published as planned, on April 2.

2. FINISH THE SEQUEL to the novel in #1
I had only 70,000 words of Silver at this time last year. I put the final polish on this 125,000-word novel in early November.

Silver was rushed to publication on November 19, a day I saw as the last viable date to publish before the holidays took over the attention of potential readers. On the downside, it had almost no advance publicity. On the upside, a lot of you have already read it. 😉

I’m working on a detailed outline of a near-future thriller. For me, that definitely counts as a solid start.

I also had a few goals for the publishing side of the business. I wanted to get a nice book cover done for a two-novel omnibus edition of the Puzzle Land books. I really like those crazy stories and would love to see them get more attention — but I’m still looking for the right artist for the project. My other fantasy novel, The Wild, is presently unpublished. I had hoped to complete a read-through & polish, and then re-publish it, but it was never a priority in a busy year, so maybe in 2020.

I’ll be posting my 2020 goals on January 1. Talk to you then!