Linda Nagata: the blog at Hahví.net

Upcoming Appearance:
Comic Con Honolulu

Sunday, July 19th, 2015

The hermit is coming down from the mountain!

This Friday, July 24, from 6:30pm to 7:30pm, I’ll be giving a presentation at Comic Con Honolulu on the subject of “World Building and Sci-Fi Writing.”

If you’re attending the con, please show up and keep me company!

For the benefit of those who will attend, I want to list the books I hope to mention during my talk.

Fiction by me, Linda Nagata
The Red — a near-future military thriller.
• “Nightside on Callisto” — a science fiction short story. Read it online at Lightspeed Magazine.

Fiction by Kate Elliott:
Crown Of Stars series
Cold Magic series

Fiction by Peter Singer and August Cole
Ghost Fleet

Fiction by Martha Wells
The Cloud Roads