Linda Nagata: the blog at Hahví.net

A List of Classic Science Fiction For Kindle

Tuesday, February 7th, 2012

It’s fun to be included on worthy lists! Wired Magazine’s Geek Dad (Erik Wecks) has a post up on 102 Essential Science Fiction Books for Your Kindle. The idea was to list one book per author, said book being presently available on Kindle. The article displays thumbnails of the current book covers to help you browse:

Here you can pick a book by its cover and not worry that you are getting junk with good art. Happy hunting.

Deception Well is Erik Wecks pick for my representative book, which surprised me, as people usually go with Vast or The Bohr Maker first, but hey, it’s okay with me!

Some interesting commentary on the list can be found from Jim Higgins at Milwaukee’s Journal Sentinel.

The Kindle limitation guarantees some gaps in his list, as fine and historically wide-ranging as it is […] But there is much to like and praise about Wecks’ list, including its historical diversity and its attention to the work of female writers.

Looking at the list, I know I have a lot more catch-up reading to do. How about you?