Linda Nagata: the blog at Hahví.net

The Long Week

Saturday, April 20th, 2013

It’s been a tragic, crazy week. Not for me personally — life has gone on here in my island sanctuary much as usual — but like the rest of the US and many other parts of the world I’ve watched the surreal unfolding of events in Boston and the tragedy in Texas, and it’s still April 20th of course, a notorious day in itself. Let’s hope it passes quietly.

As I mentioned earlier in the month, I was privileged to guest blog over at the website of Charles Stross. Charlie has many active and interesting commenters, and if you’re not already following his blog, you might want to start. Here are links to my posts, if you’re interested:

4/9: Why I Do Self-Publish

4/14: The Fumes of Mordor & Other World Building Models

4/18: The Curious Experience of Middle Age