Linda Nagata: the blog at Hahví.net

Locus Subscribers

Monday, November 17th, 2014

Locus is “The Magazine of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Field” with news, interviews, and reviews of work in the SFF field. This month’s issue has an interview with me — including an impressive interior photo by Francesca Myman.

This is my second Locus interview. The first was way back in the year 2000 — toward the end of my “first career” as I like to call it.

There’s also an interview with Joe Monti, my editor at Saga Press.

If you subscribe to Locus, check it out. The issue is available in print, PDF, and ebook versions.

Update: November 28
Excerpts from the interview are now available online.

For the curious: an interview

Monday, April 8th, 2013

Keith Brook of Infinity Plus asks me some questions on the new novel, along with my take on this new world of publishing, and a few other things. Here’s a snippet. Visit Keith’s site to read the whole thing.

Snapshots: Linda Nagata interviewed

The Red: First Light by Linda NagataWhat’s recently or soon out?

In any other month, the big news would be the publication of my short story, “Through Your Eyes,” in the March/April double issue of Asimov’s Science Fiction. It’s a near-future story with a theme focused on technology and civil rights, and it’s the first story I’ve ever had in Asimov’s