Linda Nagata: the blog at Hahví.net

A Bright Spot in a Discouraging Spring

Sunday, June 5th, 2022

There have been major disappointments in the garden this spring. One of my two persimmon trees leafed-out only weakly last spring and almost not at all this year. It’ll have to be replaced. A new peach tree that did well last summer also failed to survive. Peaches and persimmons grow in abundance in my neighborhood. Our mountain climate is just cool enough to allow them to thrive, so I’m extremely disappointed with these two. I’ll have to try again.

On top of that, my white sapote tree, which has performed spectacularly for the past several years, is taking a break this year, with no fruit. At least I hope that’s what’s happening. Fingers crossed that it’s not on its way out too.

And it’s been a light year for the avocado tree too, though it looks quite healthy.

But at least my old reliable Miltoniopsis orchid has put on a show! Look at this beauty:


This is one of the first orchids I acquired in my current collection. It’s been around for years and blooms annually, but this is the best it’s ever looked. For some reason, this year, all the flower spikes opened at the same time. Hey, I’ll enjoy what I can.