Linda Nagata: the blog at Hahví.net

Galaxies – A French Science Fiction Journal

September 7th, 2010

This one’s a little late, but I didn’t want to let it pass without notice. Over the summer the French science fiction journal Galaxies published an issue that included a “dossier” on yours truly, encompassing a review, an interview, a bibliography and a French translation of my short story Liberator, originally published in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction.

Galaxies is a beautiful publication, very nicely designed and put together, and I’m honored to appear there. Sadly, my forebears stopped speaking French long, long ago and I’ve never taken it on myself to learn, so I can’t read a word of it.

In closing, a note to all you budding novelists out there—try to publish a few short stories, because down the line someone, somewhere will ask to re-publish one as a means to introduce a new set of readers to your work. I’ve only ever written a handful myself, but they’re nice to have around.

The Galaxies cover and first page of the dossier.

The Galaxies cover and first page of the dossier.

Posted on: Tuesday, September 7th, 2010 at 2:18 pm
Categories: Writing.

6 Responses to “Galaxies – A French Science Fiction Journal”

  1. Toby Neal Says:

    Awesome! and you look beautiful and tropical in your picture!

  2. Linda Says:

    Thank you! But I do need to work on getting a new photo…

  3. iamwhite Says:

    Congratulations!!! 😀

  4. Linda Says:

    Thank you!

  5. MP Says:

    Wow, congrats!

    Also, great advice. I’m definetly under the aspiring novelist catergory (Querying a YA/Thriller manuscript at the moment), but I’m absolute crap at short stories. 🙁 Doesn’t hurt to try, though!

  6. Linda Says:

    I have no skill at short stories either! I only have a handful that were ever published, but even those few are handy to have around.