Linda Nagata: the blog at Hahví.net

Be Lazy: Get Hacked

May 20th, 2008

Like most people, I put off upgrading WordPress until forced to — usually by a hacking exploit which is what happened this time. I cleaned out the database and everything looks okay, but in this world you never know. It could happen again in the next few minutes.

That’s an hour and a half that could have been devoted to writing, gone.


Posted on: Tuesday, May 20th, 2008 at 6:49 pm
Categories: General.

6 Responses to “Be Lazy: Get Hacked”

  1. Andrew Holmberg Says:

    Missed you. =)

    Glad to hear the flows coming back. I recently updated your Wikipedia entry, and I’m looking forward to reading more of your work.


  2. Andrew Holmberg Says:

    Some of the prior entries have garbage characters in them now… ex. I’ve (decided), and it looks like the Hahvi has now become Hahví in most places.

    Is that from the upgrade?

  3. Linda Says:

    Thank you! Adding to that Wikipedia entry is one of those things I always intend to get to…. but my kids amused themselves by making sure their names showed up there.

    Also, thanks for pointing out the garbage characters… commenting out two lines in the config file (per a word press blog) seems to have solved the issue.

  4. Phil Massebeau Says:

    HI Linda,
    Is your mail working yet?

  5. Phil Massebeau Says:

    Hi Linda,
    That last message seemed to go through, sorry it was so brief but I keep writing them and they don’t go through.
    It’s good to have you back, I hope you are writing again, I look forward to anything you do.
    I recently read a book by Alan Weisbecker called “Can’t you get along with anyone” that I found very moving. It’s subject matter is nothing that would interest you, but his writing style is just fantastic as far as feeling like you are part of his life, etc. The book is about nothing in particular, but you just can’t put it down. The last chapter will make you want to cry.
    He has numerous web sites and has started his own publishing company as result of his many struggles with the mainstream. That is what his book is all about.
    I know you are busy so I will let you go.

  6. Linda Says:

    Sorry, didn’t know there was a problem after the incident in late May. I’ll have to look into Alan Weisbecker. Must also work on focus and organization — two things I used to be good at. Sigh. Anyway, I’ve got to run, but more soon….