Linda Nagata: the blog at Hahví.net

My First “Mind Meld”

August 29th, 2012

SF Signal is a website devoted to covering the science fiction and fantasy field, with articles, book reviews, and other contributions from people across the genre.

Each week features a piece called “Mind Meld” in which several writers, editors, fans, or others active in the field are asked to respond to a question. No one gets to see the other answers until publication day.

Today was my first time participating in Mind Meld.

The question:

Q: As a reader and as a writer, how do you feel about the practice of revising books after they have been published (or at least have reached the ARC stage)? How much revision goes into your writing process? (How clean are your drafts)?

Find everyone’s answer here at SF Signal.

Posted on: Wednesday, August 29th, 2012 at 8:15 am
Categories: Social Media, Writing.
Tags: ,

2 Responses to “My First “Mind Meld””

  1. Paul (@princejvstin) Says:

    I am glad to have had you participate! 🙂

  2. Linda Says:

    Thanks for the invite, Paul! It was fun.