Linda Nagata: the blog at Hahví.net

Work-In-Progress Report & Reminders

June 25th, 2016

It's been a steep climb to the finish on this novel.To review: In mid-March I finished a “partial draft” of the novel-in-progress, meaning that most of the structure was there, but a lot was left to do. That draft was 72,000 words long — a short novel.

In my last work-in-progress report, I explained that I’d been revising that partial draft, but I was about to begin writing new material, specifically, the end of the novel, which I hadn’t tackled before. So how did that go? Well… I HAVEN’T WRITTEN THE END OF THIS NOVEL YET, OKAY?

I think what happened (I haven’t reviewed my detailed notes and it all tends to run together in my memory) is that I first wrote a synopsis for a new ending. Then I went back in the manuscript and built up the necessary plot lines that would lead to that ending while making other revisions and adding additional chapters from the points of view of neglected characters. I have now — once again — gotten to the end of the partial draft that I had in mid-March … only I’ve added about 48,000 words to the manuscript. So that first partial draft is, by far, the most underwritten first draft I’ve ever done.

And once again, I’m ready to move forward and write the last five to ten-thousand words.

Wish me luck.


* Sign up for my newsletter before the end of June for a chance to win the audiobook edition of The Red trilogy on CD.

* Kobo’s 50%-off ebook sale is ongoing through June 27 (available in Canada, the United States, Australia, and New Zealand).

Posted on: Saturday, June 25th, 2016 at 7:38 am
Categories: Work-In-Progress Reports.

2 Responses to “Work-In-Progress Report & Reminders”

  1. Clyde Says:

    OK then. Good luck, Linda.
    Does that photo represent the long process of novel creation?

  2. Linda Says:

    Huzzah, one well-wisher! Thank you, Clyde. 🙂

    If you mouse-over the photo, a caption will pop up after a couple of seconds.