Linda Nagata: the blog at Hahví.net

* * * Early Warning * * *

January 1st, 2017


Scarred by war. In pursuit of truth.


A near-future thriller

This is not the cover art! It’s just a placeholder until cover art is acquired.

Army veteran True Brighton left the service when the development of robotic helicopters made her training as a pilot obsolete. Now she works at Requisite Operations, a private military company established by friend and former Special Ops soldier Lincoln Han. ReqOp has embraced the new technologies. Robotics, big data, and artificial intelligence are all tools used to augment the skills of veteran warfighters-for-hire. But the tragedy of war is still measured in human casualties, and when True makes a chance discovery during a rescue mission, old wounds are ripped open. She’s left questioning what she knows of the past, and resolves to pursue the truth, whatever the cost.

THE LAST GOOD MAN is a powerful, complex, and very human tale.

Uh, the last line of that description was supplied by my agent. 🙂

The “cover art” I’ve posted above is just a placeholder. The back-cover description and taglines are preliminary and subject to revision. But the novel is real. It exists. It’s complete as is, though I plan to do one more draft before I send out review copies.

If you’re a book reviewer and you’d like a copy please send me an email at linda at mythicisland dot com, letting me know who you are, where you review, and whether you prefer an epub or mobi (Kindle) ebook file.

There’s no preorder option yet, but PLEASE DO signup for my newsletter. You’ll not only get news about The Last Good Man as the publication date approaches, but you’ll also get news about DEALS on my other books — including one that’s coming up very soon.

Posted on: Sunday, January 1st, 2017 at 5:30 am
Categories: My Books.

6 Responses to “* * * Early Warning * * *”

  1. thesfreader Says:

    Looks SO much like something I’ll love !!! can’t wait for June !

  2. Linda Says:

    I hope you like it! I probably shouldn’t judge my own work, but I’m really pleased with it. It’s different from anything else I’ve done. It’s technically science fiction because it takes place a few years into the future, but it’s really cross-genre, reading more like a mainstream novel than SF.

  3. Rick Says:

    Can’t wait! If half as good as the Red trilogy it’ll be amazing!

  4. Rene Quebec Says:

    If it’s as good as the Red trilogy, maybe Saga will pick THAT up…☺️

  5. Clyde Says:

    Sounds like a good technothriller.
    You write it, I’ll read it.

  6. Linda Says:

    Thanks Rick, and thank you Clyde. Much appreciated!

    Not this time, Rene. Saga isn’t looking for this kind of cross-genre novel. There’s too much question on how to market it.