Linda Nagata: the blog at Hahví.net

Undone By A Curly Quote

June 11th, 2011

Oh Nook Reader App for PC,

I don’t know if I should admire you or despise you.

It’s true there was an extra curly quote “}” at the end of the second style sheet in my epub file.

And I know it shouldn’t have been there.

But Kindle managed to overlook it and correctly parsed the book’s styles.

Sigil managed to overlook it and correctly parsed the book’s styles.

Calibre managed to overlook it and correctly parsed the book’s styles.

But you, Nook, have higher standards! You insisted on correct code and refused to parse the book’s styles until I spent half an hour tracking down your complaint.

I’ve decided: I both admire and despise you.

Posted on: Saturday, June 11th, 2011 at 2:03 am
Categories: E-book How-to.

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