Linda Nagata: the blog at Hahví.net

Thank you!

November 7th, 2018

Thank you to everyone who worked hard and honestly in this election. Thank you to everyone who voted, everyone who voted for the first time, and everyone who voted against the Republican party for the first time. You are appreciated and your vote matters. Thank you to everyone who found themselves victims of gerrymandering and voter suppression efforts, but who stood in line for hours anyway to cast a vote. You are heroes! And you won the House!

I still can’t get my head around the idea that so many Americans want to be governed by liars and hypocrites who are utterly lacking in honor, who are driving the country deeper and deeper into debt, mortgaging the future, denying science and climate change in pursuit of personal power and personal profit, while happily reversing the environmental laws that have made this country so much a better and safer place to live. Unbelievable! And yet here we are.

I’d hoped for better, America. But let’s keep striving to make this country a better, smarter, more well-informed place, with a citizenry resistant to the propaganda of oligarchs both foreign and domestic, and let’s care about the future — not just of this country, but of the entire world. We are living on an utterly amazing planet. We need to act like it, and care for it, before we lose it due to the greed and avarice of a few.

Posted on: Wednesday, November 7th, 2018 at 8:18 am
Categories: General.

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