Linda Nagata: the blog at Hahví.net

A Fight For the Soul of Our Nation

November 2nd, 2020

A few days ago, PBS Newshour showed brief interviews with American voters.

One Trump voter, dressed up pretty with several small children running about, proudly declaimed she was “pro-life” — never pausing to consider a quarter million Americans dead of COVID-19, children separated from their parents at the border, or all those doomed to die as fallout of global warming.

Another Trump voter, an older man, angrily declared Joe Biden would force socialism on the country. No doubt he collects social security and has Medicare.

Another claimed to be Christian, and to be upset with the way Trump speaks, but was voting for him anyway because of his great policies. What policies? Truly, I have no idea. Perhaps separating children from their parents? Demanding personal favors from foreign governments? Utterly incompetent response to the corona virus epidemic? Destroying desert ecosystems in the hope of building a wall for which Trump cronies have won extremely lucrative contracts? Striving to accelerate global warming? Opening a protected old-growth forest to logging? The ceaseless misogyny? Destroying government services to give a tax cut to the extremely wealthy? I could go on and on.

We writers are supposed to be able to adopt different outlooks, to get into the minds of different kinds of characters. But I admit it’s hard for me to understand what would move a person to support an obviously corrupt, criminal, ignorant, destructive, divisive politician who lies all the time.

It’s a good bet that if you enjoy my books, you’re not going to be voting to return this criminal to office. If you’ve already voted, THANK YOU! If you haven’t, please do, and vote blue all the way down the ballot. Joe Biden is not exaggerating when he says this election is a fight for the soul of our nation.

We are better—vastly better—than Trump.

Posted on: Monday, November 2nd, 2020 at 12:54 pm
Categories: General.

One Response to “A Fight For the Soul of Our Nation”

  1. SteveG Says:

    Because of the amount of anger I see in some voters, maybe it comes down to fear. They are fearful they may have to change. Change is not easy. And adopting an empathetic perspective means you might have to understand someone else’s views. Of course, I may be seeing this too simply (probably am).