Linda Nagata: the blog at Hahví.net

Happy Birthday to Me

November 7th, 2020

Hi there! Today I’m sixty years old. That feels like a significant number. Big and round, LOL. The important thing though is that I got what I wanted for my birthday: the election of Joe Biden to the presidency of the United States of America, and the election of Kamala Harris as vice-president.🇺🇸 Rational, thoughtful, caring people in government. What a fine change for the country that will be!

I’m concerned for the next two months, but hoping for the best.

I offer my sympathies to the people of Georgia who are going to be ceaselessly inundated with political messaging until the January run-off elections for that state’s US senate seats. If you’re a Georgia resident, please, please, please give us a Democratic senate. Vote for the two Democratic candidates. That’s our most direct path to a better future for our country.

As for being sixty — I’m really fortunate, and it’s quite nice. I’m definitely getting up there, but I’m not done yet. There are still a few more novels I’d like to write. 😊🇺🇸🎉🎂

Posted on: Saturday, November 7th, 2020 at 9:07 am
Categories: General.

4 Responses to “Happy Birthday to Me”

  1. SteveG Says:

    Happy Birthday and glad the country could provide you with your birthday present… 60, huh? Boy, I remember back when I was 60… 😉

  2. Amir Says:

    Happy Birthday!

    I’m so glad I can say that to my favorite science fiction author!

    I eagerly await all the books you have yet to write…

  3. Clyde Says:

    Happy birthday, Linda!
    Sixty really is a nice round number, isn’t it? (But hey! In Duodecimal you are 50 today!)

    BTW, I really enjoyed Pacific Storm.

  4. Linda Says:

    Thanks all! The good wishes are much appreciated.

    Clyde, I’m so glad you enjoyed Pacific Storm!