Linda Nagata: the blog at Hahví.net

Dance of Planets

April 10th, 2022

I’m up by 5:15 most mornings (my dog insists). It’s dark outside, but the stars are bright. For the past few weeks I’ve been watching a dance of planets: Venus, seeming fixed in place, with Mars & Saturn shifting around it. It amazes me, how much they move from night to night. I was able to see the conjunction of Mars and Saturn on April 4, when they appeared closest together, although that was a misty morning and they were just glowing blurs.

Jupiter is supposed to be joining the dance. Four planets, all together! If you can see the eastern horizon, Jupiter should already be visible. But I’ve got a tall mountain in the way, so I don’t know yet if I’ll get to see them all.

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Posted on: Sunday, April 10th, 2022 at 2:06 pm
Categories: Meanderings.

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